January 24th, 2022

“Grace – The Art of Becoming”
Lately, in my morning prayers and thoughts, I have been further exploring this beautiful ,and too often diminished word, GRACE. Grace is the unmerited favor of God for the world in which we live (John3:16). With the following chorus to her hymn “Grace Greater Than Our Sin,” Julie Johnston places grace at the heart of our faith:
Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that is greater than all our sin!
I have loved that hymn all of my life and it has come to mean even more in this season of life. And, I have come to think of grace in two ways: the grace of place and the grace of space.
It is really hard to believe that God extends to us the grace of place: I think of it as a seat at His table – just for you, just for me! According to Isaiah 49:16 God has written our names on the palm of His hands! If I could see His hand, I think I would find my name: Johnny Ken Warrick! Think how often to you look at your hands each day and be reminded that God always has us on His mind, the grace of place!
And then, I find it equally inconceivable that God extends to us the grace of space: time and room to grow, to become, to be transformed and enlightened. Philippians 1:9-11 says it best: . . . that our love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and insight so that we will approve the things that are excellent so that we may be transparent and blameless, filled with the righteousness that comes from Jesus Christ.
I could say it another way as in, the grace to become. Following Jesus is the art of becoming; becoming more like Him. The art of becoming is His gift to us but we have to unwrap it and make use of just like any other gift we receive.
All of this is to say, “He’s still workin’ on me!” Join us Sunday as we continue to think about God’s transforming grace at work in us.
On the journey . . . .
Pastor J K
Lately, in my morning prayers and thoughts, I have been further exploring this beautiful ,and too often diminished word, GRACE. Grace is the unmerited favor of God for the world in which we live (John3:16). With the following chorus to her hymn “Grace Greater Than Our Sin,” Julie Johnston places grace at the heart of our faith:
Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that is greater than all our sin!
I have loved that hymn all of my life and it has come to mean even more in this season of life. And, I have come to think of grace in two ways: the grace of place and the grace of space.
It is really hard to believe that God extends to us the grace of place: I think of it as a seat at His table – just for you, just for me! According to Isaiah 49:16 God has written our names on the palm of His hands! If I could see His hand, I think I would find my name: Johnny Ken Warrick! Think how often to you look at your hands each day and be reminded that God always has us on His mind, the grace of place!
And then, I find it equally inconceivable that God extends to us the grace of space: time and room to grow, to become, to be transformed and enlightened. Philippians 1:9-11 says it best: . . . that our love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and insight so that we will approve the things that are excellent so that we may be transparent and blameless, filled with the righteousness that comes from Jesus Christ.
I could say it another way as in, the grace to become. Following Jesus is the art of becoming; becoming more like Him. The art of becoming is His gift to us but we have to unwrap it and make use of just like any other gift we receive.
All of this is to say, “He’s still workin’ on me!” Join us Sunday as we continue to think about God’s transforming grace at work in us.
On the journey . . . .
Pastor J K

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