May 6th, 2021

“News Break . . .”
Acts 2:14-36
We interrupt our regular programming with this from our reporter in Jerusalem: “A Galilean Jew named Jesus was executed by crucifixion for alleged crimes against the state by the Roman government; three days later God raised him from the dead, and he is now the world’s new emperor.” (Brian Zahnd. “Beauty Will Save the World.)
“He is now the world’s new emperor!” Wow! Talk about newsworthy! Actually, as we all know, it did not happen that way. But think about it now, had Jesus had a “manager” or a “publicity” guru in His corner it might have been done more professionally. Jesus would have marched up the Pilates home and made Himself known. He would have entered the temple and faced the High Priest who orchestrated His murder. Rome, the world would have capitulated to this once dead Messiah.
But Jesus appeared to only a few people at a time except for His one appearance to more than 500 people according to 1 Corinthians 1:3-8. It was a rather unconventional way to launch a new “brand” but there is nothing conventional about a resurrection.
I have been struck this year at how easily “He is risen!” rolls off our tongues, almost as if it is “old hat” kind of stuff. We’re talking about the most significant moment in the history of the world . . . a resurrection . . . a one-of-kind-sort of event! The resurrection is at the very center of our faith. The death of Jesus would be more or less like that of Mother Theresa without the resurrection. Just another well-meaning individual who did some good and got killed for it. End of story.
But Jesus is alive! Today. Right now. Jesus lives! I am not sure how we can recover the power behind this most transformational truth. Nearly 3 billion Christians will gather on this day to celebrate that He is alive, that “He is risen!” Maybe that’s the most powerful witness to His resurrection there could ever be. Billions of people across the centuries, an estimated 2.5 billion in 2021, have confessed and/or confess Jesus Christ as Lord.
And it happened with no add campaign, no powerful sponsor, little strategic planning . . . it just happened under the leadership of the Holy Spirit! On this resurrection morning, perhaps we should be looking ahead to the promise of our Lord that we can be filled with His Holy Spirit to the extent that we will “. . . receive power . . . to be [His] witnesses . . . “ whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself.
Newsbreak: “A Galilean Jew named Jesus was executed by crucifixion for alleged crimes against the state by the Roman government; three days later God raised him from the dead, and he is now the world’s new emperor.”
“Up from the grave he arose;
with a mighty triumph o'er his foes;
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
and He lives forever, with His saints to reign.
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!” (Robert Lowery)
Jesus Christ, the world’s new emperor . . . !
On the journey . . .
Pastor J K
Acts 2:14-36
We interrupt our regular programming with this from our reporter in Jerusalem: “A Galilean Jew named Jesus was executed by crucifixion for alleged crimes against the state by the Roman government; three days later God raised him from the dead, and he is now the world’s new emperor.” (Brian Zahnd. “Beauty Will Save the World.)
“He is now the world’s new emperor!” Wow! Talk about newsworthy! Actually, as we all know, it did not happen that way. But think about it now, had Jesus had a “manager” or a “publicity” guru in His corner it might have been done more professionally. Jesus would have marched up the Pilates home and made Himself known. He would have entered the temple and faced the High Priest who orchestrated His murder. Rome, the world would have capitulated to this once dead Messiah.
But Jesus appeared to only a few people at a time except for His one appearance to more than 500 people according to 1 Corinthians 1:3-8. It was a rather unconventional way to launch a new “brand” but there is nothing conventional about a resurrection.
I have been struck this year at how easily “He is risen!” rolls off our tongues, almost as if it is “old hat” kind of stuff. We’re talking about the most significant moment in the history of the world . . . a resurrection . . . a one-of-kind-sort of event! The resurrection is at the very center of our faith. The death of Jesus would be more or less like that of Mother Theresa without the resurrection. Just another well-meaning individual who did some good and got killed for it. End of story.
But Jesus is alive! Today. Right now. Jesus lives! I am not sure how we can recover the power behind this most transformational truth. Nearly 3 billion Christians will gather on this day to celebrate that He is alive, that “He is risen!” Maybe that’s the most powerful witness to His resurrection there could ever be. Billions of people across the centuries, an estimated 2.5 billion in 2021, have confessed and/or confess Jesus Christ as Lord.
And it happened with no add campaign, no powerful sponsor, little strategic planning . . . it just happened under the leadership of the Holy Spirit! On this resurrection morning, perhaps we should be looking ahead to the promise of our Lord that we can be filled with His Holy Spirit to the extent that we will “. . . receive power . . . to be [His] witnesses . . . “ whenever and wherever the opportunity presents itself.
Newsbreak: “A Galilean Jew named Jesus was executed by crucifixion for alleged crimes against the state by the Roman government; three days later God raised him from the dead, and he is now the world’s new emperor.”
“Up from the grave he arose;
with a mighty triumph o'er his foes;
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
and He lives forever, with His saints to reign.
He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!” (Robert Lowery)
Jesus Christ, the world’s new emperor . . . !
On the journey . . .
Pastor J K

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