March 29th, 2021

I am not a huge fan of basketball, but I do like March Madness – I know . . . go figure. Basketball is pretty intense and so much can happen in the last few seconds of a game. Hardly seems fair that a team that plays so well can lose a game because of some lucky, last-second shot, a 3-point “Hail Mary” kind of shot from near half court. I know, I know. That’s what legends are made of and all that but . . . well, anyway I do like March Madness.
As it now stands nearly all of my teams are heading home. Some, leaving in the dead of night, really embarrassed and some still claiming the right to at least have been invited to the “Big Dance.” I will hope that Baylor keeps playing well and who knows? It now looks like the PAC 12 is the best conference this year. The “left coast” lands another blow on the country. Makes me sad. Okay. In a few weeks I won’t even think about it . . . except when it comes to mind . . . or when I am about to fall asleep . . . or when I wake up in the morning . . . other than that, I am fine! Really.
The madness surrounding the “Big Dance” pales in comparison to the “cultural madness” issues in our country today. The “woke” movement continues to gain momentum and the “cancel culture” is determined to cancel everything but itself – all in the name of being inclusive and tolerant! Wow! Someone will have to re-write word definitions before this is all over.
And then, there is this:
“Boston, Mass., Mar 20, 2021 / 06:01 am MT (CNA).- Cambridge, Massachusetts has redefined domestic partnerships to give relationships involving more than two people the same rights as a married couple. Home to Harvard University, Cambridge is the second city in the state, after its neighbor Somerville, legally to recognize polyamory. During a March 8 meeting, the Cambridge city council voted to redefine “domestic partnerships,” which previously had been defined as two unmarried people living together. The new definition broadens the definition to “two or more persons” not related by blood who “are in a relationship of mutual support, caring and commitment and intend to remain in such a relationship” and “consider themselves to be a family.” (Catholic News Agency)
So, what’s next? Perhaps this, “And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper . . . they not only do the same, but also give heartly approval to those who practice them. . . And we know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who practice such things. . . . For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 1:32; 2:2; 6:23).
The good thing about March Madness is that it will soon be over and all but forgotten. Not so much for this “cultural madness” we see playing out before us. In spite of it all, we remain hopeful and at peace because “. . . where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” (Romans 5:20).
On the Journey...
As it now stands nearly all of my teams are heading home. Some, leaving in the dead of night, really embarrassed and some still claiming the right to at least have been invited to the “Big Dance.” I will hope that Baylor keeps playing well and who knows? It now looks like the PAC 12 is the best conference this year. The “left coast” lands another blow on the country. Makes me sad. Okay. In a few weeks I won’t even think about it . . . except when it comes to mind . . . or when I am about to fall asleep . . . or when I wake up in the morning . . . other than that, I am fine! Really.
The madness surrounding the “Big Dance” pales in comparison to the “cultural madness” issues in our country today. The “woke” movement continues to gain momentum and the “cancel culture” is determined to cancel everything but itself – all in the name of being inclusive and tolerant! Wow! Someone will have to re-write word definitions before this is all over.
And then, there is this:
“Boston, Mass., Mar 20, 2021 / 06:01 am MT (CNA).- Cambridge, Massachusetts has redefined domestic partnerships to give relationships involving more than two people the same rights as a married couple. Home to Harvard University, Cambridge is the second city in the state, after its neighbor Somerville, legally to recognize polyamory. During a March 8 meeting, the Cambridge city council voted to redefine “domestic partnerships,” which previously had been defined as two unmarried people living together. The new definition broadens the definition to “two or more persons” not related by blood who “are in a relationship of mutual support, caring and commitment and intend to remain in such a relationship” and “consider themselves to be a family.” (Catholic News Agency)
So, what’s next? Perhaps this, “And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper . . . they not only do the same, but also give heartly approval to those who practice them. . . And we know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who practice such things. . . . For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 1:32; 2:2; 6:23).
The good thing about March Madness is that it will soon be over and all but forgotten. Not so much for this “cultural madness” we see playing out before us. In spite of it all, we remain hopeful and at peace because “. . . where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” (Romans 5:20).
On the Journey...

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